Proposal for the final semester (InsyaAllah)

Study on the Effectiveness of Knowledge & Experience Gained Since Year 1 Bachelor of Pharmacy, IIUM Kuantan Campus


1. Introduction

2. Background

3. Hypothesis

4. Research Question

5. Aim & Objectives

6. Materials & Methods

7. Data Processing

8. Expected Research Outcome

9. Conclusion

10. References

11. Acknowledgement

Gambar transition meeting IPhA 2009

(Diwakili oleh semua batch Pharmacy IIUM Kuantan - Year 1,2,3 and 4)

This is only my rough idea... To be implemented on me myself...
not a study on population (epidemiology)...
just individual assessment (Muhasabah) =)

1. Introduction

- Bachelor of Pharmacy in IIUM Kuantan Campus requires 4 years of study

- Now, subject is approaching to the final semester which is scheduled to be started on 7 Dec 2009, InsyaAllah...

2. Background

- A lot of knowledge and experiences gained from year 1 of study starting on 2006

- All of the core and elective subjects were given through lecture, visit, laboratory work, hospital attachment and etc.

3. Hypothesis

- Final semester of study should make a competent final year students with sufficient skills and knowledge before become a pharmacist.

4. Research Question

- Can a final year pharmacy student integrate all the knowledge he gained to get a better result compare to previous semester?

5. Aim & Objectives

- To assess own understanding on the pharmacy course

- To make a proper planning for the final semester

6. Materials & Methods

- Materials: All core and elective subjects that will be taken on coming semester

- Methods: Do proper planning of timeline for study and other activities throughout the semester

7. Data Processing

- Examination Result Slip will be analysed using specific software such as...

i. Microsoft Excell

ii. SPSS - chi-square test and t-test (:P tak de r nak guna ni)

8. Expected Research Outcome

- GPA of final semester should be higher than previous semester

- CGPA should exceed 3.0 (insyaAllah... optimis membawa kenyataan)

9. Conclusion

- The research may not be valid to other people since this is only done to individual person, not in a population.

10. References

- Al-Qur'an wa as-sunnah (jadikan keduanya rujukan, nescaya anda tidak akan sesat)

11. Acknowledgement

- Thank you Allah (Alhamdulillah) for all of the bounties


  1. ouh...ada jugak ek tajuk research ni?..hehe mantop2..

  2. Jom sertai komuniti!


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